
Izšel je 9. newsletter

Newsletter 9 has been published (scroll down for ENG)

Tako, z delom nadaljujemo in že je pred vami naslednji izmed Newslettrov na temo bližajočega se svetovnega prvenstva v razredu Fireball. Ogledate (ali zdownloadate) si ga lahko s klikom na sliko (levo) ali naslednjo povezavo.

Naslednji bilten izide predvidoma 03.03.2013.

Lep pozdrav,


As preparations for the upcoming FBL Worlds are underway, we invite you to check what’s new in the February edition of Newsletters dedicated to this event. Click on the picture or on the following link to download second Newsletter (officially: Newsletter No. 9 ).

Kindly reply to the Flag Survey and don’t miss the Accommodation section as Basket Europeans in September will also result in a great number of accommodation bookings. We hope you will find some interesting info and enjoy reading the February edition. Next edition is planned to be published on March 3rd, 2013.

