
Hangar že skoraj zaseden – na voljo še 4 mesta

Only 4 places left in hangar (scroll down for ENG)

Z dnem 11. april je na prvenstvi prijavljenih že 46 posadk iz držav: BEL, CAN, CZE, FRA, GBR, IRL, ITA, SLO in SUI 🙂 Vse prijavljene prosimo, da preverijo, če so evidentirani na spisku prijavljenih, ki se nahaja na povezavi:
Konec meseca prejmete vsi prijavljeni e-mail s podrobnostmi (št. parkirnega mesta v hangarju, podrobnosti o plačilu itd.) V hangarju so na voljo le še 4 prosta mesta – torej le pohitite s prijavo!
Lep pozdrav,

As per April 11 Entry List shows 46 entries. So far we are looking forward to welcome sailors from BEL, CAN, CZE, FRA, GBR, IRL, ITA, SLO and SUI.
We kindly ask all sailors to check their name on the entry list to make sure we have not left anyone out – e-mail is e-mail…sometimes it can hide in junk mail or similar (although we check all mailboxes regularly) – you can find updated Entry List on following link:
As there are only 4places left in hangar we suggest you to hurry with your entry.
Kind regards,
