
Vremenska napoved za Primorje

Weather forecast for Portorož

Dobro jutro iz Portoroža, pred nami je drugi dan evropskega prvenstva za Fireballe! Vreme je veliko obetavnejše kot včeraj, tudi veter bo, start prve regate je napovedan za ob 11. uri. Želimo vam prijeten in uspešen regatni dan!
Vremenska napoved: Danes bo spremenljivo do pretežno oblačno, občasno delno jasno. Verjetnost za plohe in nevihte bo majhna. Pihala bo povečini šibka burja. Morje bo rahlo vzvalovano. Najvišje temperature bodo do 23 stopinj Celzija.
Vetrovno situacijo v realnem času lahko preverite tudi na oceanografski boji pred Piranom na povezavi http://buoy.mbss.org/portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27

Good morning from Portorož, we’re about to begin a racing day 2 of this Fireball EC. Weather and wind conditions look good, please find more info regarding the weather in the following forecast. First start is scheduled for 11 am. We wish you fair winds and good races!
The region of low pressure is slowly filling up, there is still some convection activity S of Portorož, but it will very likely stay S of us.
It is going to be partially cloudy with very good visibility, moresunshine is expected latter in day.
There will be weak (8-15 kts bora – E/NE) in the first part of the day, change to sea breeze regime is expected in the early afternoon, so light wind from W/NW is expected in the afternoon. Towards the evening the wind might change back to light E.

Check the wind situation at Oceanographic buoy Vida close to Piran on http://buoy.mbss.org/portal/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27